CSC Membership
Learn about the benefits of being a part of our community.
Annual Membership
Membership helps us cover expenses related to insurance and other non-instructional costs incurred. Membership is required for all programs involving ongoing participation, and is paid annually on your anniversary month. Enrollment/class dates follow the Attendance Calendar (pdf).
Membership Benefits
- Lower monthly (4-week) tuition than we’d have to charge without membership.
- Discounts for Birthday Parties
- Discounts on Camps and Clinics
- Discounts or no charge for some Special Events
- Option to arrange Private Lessons and use our facility and instructors (rules apply).
Membership & Tuition
Yearly Memberships
- Individual
All Gymnastics, Dance & Ninja
- Family/Group
Family/group up to 5 members.
Monthly Tuition
effective 9.1.24
- Music & Movement | ParentTots
30 mins | 45 mins
1x per week (4-weeks) $82.90 | $104.25
- Dance Only
30 mins | 45 mins | 1 hr.
1x per week (4-weeks) $76.00 | $93.75 | $100.30
- All Other Classes
45 mins | 1 hr. | 1.5 hrs. | 2 hrs.
1x per week (4-weeks) $146.55 | $153.00 | $180.54 | $209.78
2.5 hrs. | 3 hrs. | 3.5 hrs. | 4 hrs.
1x per week (4-weeks) $239.70 | $267.24 | $296.31 | $316.20
- Membership and tuition fees are non-refundable and non-transferable to other persons.
- Membership is valid for a twelve-month period beginning the month of your initial registration.
- Membership renewal is required each year.
- Additional fees apply for competitive teams.
- Groups must pay for class with one check for an agreed minimum number of participants.
- We offer a 15% sibling discount on the second enrolled child in each family and a 25% sibling discount on the third, fourth, fifth+ children for families with multiple students enrolled in our programs!
- A 30-day notice is required for drops and extended absences for all participants.
- Did you know we offer a $25 referral bonus credit when you refer a new family to us? Make sure they name you during the registration process!
Non-Member Program
City of Sunnyvale – Gymnastics
CSC operates the gymnastics program for the City of Sunnyvale.
Students in a program where we are the contracted operator pay
fees based on residence or non-residence at the time of
registration. Classes are session based, and registration is
through the city.